Hits: 1919
Melanie Power, 3rd Dan
Melanie started training in Shotokan Karate in 1993 with the Shotokan Karate Association in Potters Bar, achieving Shodan and becoming an instructor in 2001 and achieving Nidan in 2004 under chief instructor Greg Durant. After Shodan she began also training at Martin Reynold's Shoshin Karate club (Hatfield, Potters Bar and Barnet), in addition to cross training in Jeet Kune Do and Kali/Escrima between 2002 and 2004. In 2004 she took up Muay Thai whilst studying Physiotherapy at Coventry University, training with Lakhvinder "Lucky" Madahar of Phraya Pichai (chief instructor Bob Spour) until graduating in 2007. After returning to Hertfordshire and the Shoshin karate club, she achieved Sandan in 2016 with Seishin Kyokkai, and was honoured to take over the club when Martin Reynolds moved abroad.
As a practicing Chartered Physiotherapist since 2007, Melanie's main areas of expertise as an instructor include injury prevention (especially in long term training), precise movement analysis and how to generate the maximum force possible, whatever the student's size or strength, whilst minimizing the potential of injury to themself whilst doing so. She also has an interest in the analysis of kyusho jutsu ("pressure point" fighting) techniques found in kata bunkai (applications) in anatomical and medical terms in order to analyse the risks involved, with a view to teaching these only in a responsible manner - she strongly opposes the opinion of certain kyusho exponents that "It doesn't matter why it works, only that it does"!