How to Find Us


Our Dojo (Training Hall)

Mondays: 7pm - 9pm

Saturdays: 10am - 12pm

Adults: £6

Children (under 16): £4

.Ample parking in Castle Yard, free after 6 pm weekdays. Weekend rate is currently £1.60 for up to 4 hours.



Our Dojo is on the top floor of the Old School, Castle Yard, Knaresborough, HG5 8AS, in the 1st Scriven Scout Group Hall. Toilets are provided on the floor below, and students may use these to get changed in, but the toilets are for both male and female use so please knock on the door before entering! If you change at home, please make sure your gi and belt are (as far as possible) covered while travelling to and from the dojo.

The Old School building. We are on the top floor.


Enter via the black door (shown open), and take the steps to the top floor.


Seishin KyoKai is an alliance of similar minded clubs, dedicated to teaching traditional karate that is of high quality using safe body movement. The style of karate we practise is Shotokan. We base our approach on the teachings of the founder, Master Gichin Funakoshi, and Sensei Hirokazu Kanazawa 10th Dan.  

The training the clubs in Seishin KyoKai provide include kihon (basics), kata (form) and kumite (ritualised and freestyle fighting - controlled). Students are also encouraged to look beyond the traditional Shotokan grading syllabus and learn the history of karate as well as in-depth and effective Bunkai, Oi Jutsu and Henka forms of karate applications and body mechanics.
Seishin KyoKai's grading syllabus is demanding, but achievable by anyone with the necessary perseverance and determination. The standard of instruction within the association is very high and performance required at gradings is above average.
The founding sensei (Instructor), Phil Shire 8th Dan, is a dedicated karateka with many years of experience.

Ours is a traditional Japanese style, with the emphasis on karate training as a martial art rather than a competitive sport - although we can claim many excellent fighters and kata performers in our associations past and present membership.. Another important characteristic is that the fighting aspects of our karate are 'light controlled contact.' This means that strikes do not cause injuries to our training partner's. Blocks and practising applications of kata do involve (non-injurious) contact as this is necessary to learn effective technique.

We have clubs and links to clubs in the United States of America (USA) and Spain. The clubs range from Shotokan, Renshinkan, Shorin Ryu and Goju Ryu.
All the association instructors are DBS checked and are fully insured. Most are qualified first aiders. The association has health and safety policies, risk assessments, child protection policies, etc.

If you are an individual, club or association and would like to join us or have one of instructors run a course for you please do not hesitate to contact us via the contact page.

  Sensei Shire started his karate career in the 1970’s and has trained with most of the great Shotokan masters including Sensei’s Kanazawa, Mikami, Enoeda, Kase, Nishiyama, and the late Sensei Paul Perry 9th Dan. Sensei Shire has been involved in various styles of karate for many years and also has a black belt in kyokushinkai and teaches Tai Chi. He has instructed at two other clubs in England, Sensei Shire has also taught all over the United States, Europe, the Eastern Bloc and in Africa. His main areas of expertise are karate applications, body movement and the history of karate. Sensei Shire has also taught many physically and mentally disabled children and adults with significant success and has links with various disabled support organisations.

Sensei Phil Shire, has over fifty years’ teaching experience. He has fought for England in competition, and has many regional and national championships to his name. He also won the Suffolk Coastal Coach of the Year award in 2012 (Olympic Year) and has received many other teaching awards. Sensei Shire was awarded Eighth Dan in 2024.



Association instructors